Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I'm officially a blogger!!!

I have to say, I never thought this day would come.........the day I entered the world of blogging. But I guess what they say is true...."never say never." I broke down and decided to embrace the blogging world, and if I am honest, I am really excited about it! I sit on my computer all the time and read the blogs of friends and family and seriously do enjoy it. I love the idea of being able to journal memories and experiences with my family and be able to give the responsibility of keeping up with it to the cyber world. I would love to be one of those women who are great at time management and can put together this incredibly beautiful scrapbook full of pictures and memories, but let's face it..........that's just not me. That is something I will always plan to do and just never ever get around to. So that brings me back to my appreciation for blogging. I will log in, blog some thoughts/memories/pictures/etc. and let the cyber world keep it pretty :) And now all of our precious family that we never get to see can be more in touch with our day to day life. And more importantly, they will get to see up-to-date pictures of our sweet baby girl, Campbell. Because if we are all honest they are going to skim over everything else until they get to the important stuff, which is anything about her. I don't blame them one bit :)
Anyway, I am happy to finally be a part of this wonderful world of blogging!

1 comment:

  1. Finally I can know what's going on in your life since I can never get you on the phone! I really like your blog! We were in your part of the world near Thanksgiving on our way to GA (James' granddad suddenly passed away). I wanted to call you to see if we could stop by, but we didn't have time to :-( I miss your smiling face so much! Love you!
